We currently only support free courier services within the United States.(Note: Our express delivery does not ship to any country outside the United States)
We will ship your order through any major postal company, including UPS, FedEx, and U.S. Postal Service.
We promise to process your order within 1-5 business days between Monday and Friday.
Orders received after PST 6pm will be processed on the next business day.
The transportation time is 7-20 working days.
*All products on our website are shipped free of charge, without any taxes.
*Timely delivery is subject to the terms of service announced by the carrier. Please note that situations beyond our control, such as natural disasters and holiday delays, may cause delays and delays in delivery.
*If the goods you buy are divided into multiple packages for delivery if the order chooses the upgraded shipping method, the first batch of goods will be shipped through the upgraded method.
*System cancellation
We do our best to keep our inventory and product settings up to date. Sometimes, our system may cancel an order or part of an order due to various reasons. Possible reasons include:
Unavailable items Difficult to process your payment information Unable to ship to the address provided (post office box, freight forwarder, etc.) There are duplicate orders Data transmission error Customer request to cancel After you click “Place Order”, we will not be able to cancel or change your order. Our system is designed to process and ship orders immediately. After receiving the order, simply follow our return instructions to return any items you don’t want.
*Please note: If you receive an email containing one of the following information, you can only cancel the order:
We were unable to process your payment information.
One or more items in your order are out of stock. (You can only cancel the backordered goods.)